The 50 Books Challenge

(Updated: January 24, 2010)

I solemnly swear to try my best to keep up with the 50 Books Challenge.

This is a sort of bookworm challenge that has gone around Tumblr at the start of the year. It’s rule is fairly straightforward: in the duration of year 2011, you’ve got to read at least 50 books–of any author, within any genre. I can’t remember if the challenger is supposed to blog about each book after having read it, but I guess if you read and blog then chances are you’re gonna blog after reading.

So yesterday, I had the urge to actually list the books I’ve had in mind to read within the year. It’s not a tough list, meaning not everything was New York Times Bestseller’s material or deep-thought-inducing types. It simply has books that I’ve heard from friends or read from the Internet or others by authors I’ve already read. I didn’t even make it in reading order, because of course I couldn’t be sure when within the year I’d get my hands on them.

The list goes like this:

Books in/per Series:

The Millenium Trilogy

1. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

2. The Girl who Played with Fire

3. The Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest

The Uglies Series

4. Uglies*

5. Pretties*

6. Specials*

7. Extras*

The Chronicles of Narnia (I didn’t include all seven books, because honestly not everything in this series appeals to me.)

8. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

9. The Magician’s Nephew

10. The Last Battle

Books by Author:

John Grisham

11. The Appeal*

12. The Rainmaker*

13. The Summons*

14. The Pelican Brief*

15. The Runaway Jury*

16. The Street Lawyer*

Jodi Picoult

17. House Rules*

18. Keeping Faith*

Nicholas Sparks

19. The Wedding

20. Dear John*

Mitch Albom

21. Have a Little Faith*

22. For One More Day*

Paulo Coelho

23. By the River Piedra, I Sat Down and Wept*

24. Veronika Decides to Die


25. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen

26. Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen

27. Emma, Jane Austen

28. Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger

29. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee*

30. Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll*

31. Little Women, Louisa May Alcott

32. Anne of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery*

33. The Secret Garden, Frances Burnett

34. The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery

35. Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy*

Chick Lit:

36. Carrie Diaries, Candace Bushnell*

37. LA Candy, Lauren Conrad*

38. P.S. I Love You, Cecilia Ahern*


39. The Shining, Stephen King*

40. Let the Right One In, John Ajvide Lindqvist

41. Interview with the Vampire, Anne Rice*

And finally: Books That I Don’t Know How to Categorize But I’d Love to Read Nonetheless:

42. [The Death and Life of] Charlie St. Cloud, Ben Sherwood*

43. Atlantis Found, Clive Cussler*

44. Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro*

45. The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold*

46. The Memory Keeper’s Daughter, Kim Edwards*

47. What the Dog Saw, Malcom Gladwell

48. Stealing Heaven, Elizabeth Scott*

49. Digital Fortress, Dan Brown

50. SUPERFreakonomics, Steven Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner*

Some of these books, as in those with asterisks (*), I already have either in true (paperback) form or as E-book material. Which means I can start anytime I want.

And, okay let’s be honest with this, the list is subject to change should I find difficulty in securing copies. So . . . ’til the next update/post/review on this challenge!

Wish me luck!

2 thoughts on “The 50 Books Challenge

  1. irishprecious says:

    Good luck Rye! The 50 book challenge is really interesting, however I already accepted a one-photo-a-day challenge, along with that is the post-a-week challenge by WordPress. Whew, 2011 is full of challenges.haha Still, I’ll try my best to read as many books as I can this year.

    Good luck to us! 😀

    • Ryo says:

      I wish I’d taken on challenges as easy as yours. Haha! But then again, anything is possible for the ardent, right? 😀

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